China Hersteller extrudierte Elektrophorese Oberfläche Aluminiumprofil
Elektrophorese Oberfläche Aluminiumprofil, Lieferzeit ca. 15-30 Tage, wenn die Form fertig istHot Tags. : Elektrophorese-Oberflächenaluminiumprofil Elektrophorese von Aluminiumprofilen Elektrophorese-Oberflächenaluminiumprofil Eloxiertes Aluminiumrohr Fábrica de aluminio en China Aluminium Profile Suppliers
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kundenspezifische formen industrielle elektrophorese oberfläche aluminiumprofile
The Electrophoretic sprocess is Electro-chemical in which the natural oxide film is created by passing an electric current through dilute Sulphuric ,Aid with the Aluminium part as the anode.
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